Friday, November 12, 2010

Quick Update

No photos tonight, just a quick update. Sassafras is doing a little better today. His nose is still stopped up and he still refuses to eat voluntarily, but his breathing seems a little better and he seems to have more energy. More importantly, he's stopped losing weight and has actually gained back a few fractions of an ounce since yesterday afternoon. Using the syringe, I was able to feed him a full dose of the Nutrical paste the shelter gave me for him, plus he took some Gerber chicken food and even some canned food. It's all through the syringe, though. He's still not showing any serious interest in eating food on his own, although he did at least sniff at the dish of soft food before stepping past it to get to the water. I left some on a saucer for him in case by some chance he decides to give it a try later on tonight.

Simon, meanwhile, is going stir crazy for attention. He's got a much milder case of the infection (assuming his sneezing isn't just allergies), and it hasn't slowed him down one bit. He eats everything in sight, and is a bundle of non-stop energy. He's been a good control case on all the various foods I've tried to get Sassafras to eat. Simon has instantly scarfed down every one, so I feel better knowing it really HAS been good-tasting stuff I've tried to feed his brother.

For now, I'm continuing to keep Sassafras isolated in the cage when I'm not in the room. He's really not up to keeping up with Simon's energy right now, but mainly it's so I can know for sure once he starts eating on his own and pooping again. As soon as he does that, Simon will get his playmate back, and no one will be happier about that than me.

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