Thursday, July 14, 2011

Belated Followup

Jack, Patches, and Cody ended up staying a few extra days with me.  They were so close to being ready for their spay/neuter surgeries after their second set of shots on June 18th that the shelter requested I keep them until June 23 and bring them in for surgery that day.  The following day, I traveled to Texas to visit family for a  couple of weeks, so I am just now getting around to posting this update. I tried to get a really good parting shot of all three kittens before they left, but the only one who cooperated in the limited amount of time I had to attempt it was Patches. 

The kittens became available for adoption a couple of days after their surgery.  I haven't had a chance to confirm yet, but I suspect they are likely settling into their new homes by now.

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