Sunday, November 14, 2010


Sassafras has been released from the "hospital" so to speak. Last night he ate a little dry food on his own while I was watching, and sometime during the night he finally pooped. Those were the two things I wanted to see before letting him out of the cage. So, he gained his freedom first thing this morning and re-joined his brother who immediately gave him a big, actually it was more like a big tackle.

Both of the kittens seem to be finally getting over the respiratory infection. The sneezing is dramatically better today than it has been, and Sassafras has even started purring for the first time since I originally brought them home! They'll still need to take the antibiotic for several more days to make sure the infection doesn't come back.

Sassafras still isn't eating with the amount of "gusto" that is normal for young kittens. He's not showing any interest in eating the canned food on his own (maybe he's a little spoiled by the extra attention he gets taking his food by syringe at this point?). I'm hoping he'll start following Simon's lead a little on this. In the meantime, I'll keep a close eye on his weight, and continue to syringe feed him as necessary.

Simon was obviously happy to get his brother back. He tackled him several times in a row trying to initiate play, but Sassafras still isn't interested in that much activity at this point. (Also, I think his personality may be a little more laid back to begin with). However, by this afternoon, Simon had settled down a little, and both kittens enjoyed napping by the cage that I'm still leaving set up for now in their room in case I end up needing it again.

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