Tuesday, March 24, 2009

...And Then There Were Two

Cindy, Scruffy, and Sydney have settled into their new foster home, and I hear they are doing well. Sam and Tiny really missed their brothers and sister the first night, but they seem to be doing well now too. Having less competition for the litterbox has just about cleared that hit-and-miss problem right up. Sam has started eating his meals out of a dish instead of a bottle--the key was giving him the food by itself without any KMR mixed in. Tiny still refuses to go near the soft food or KMR outside the bottle, but she's begun sampling the dry kibble a little. So much for that theory that you're supposed to wean kittens with KMR milk on the dish!

With their improved litterbox usage, Sam and Tiny have now graduated from the tub to the bathroom floor. They seem to be enjoying their new-found freedom, although they do need to stand clear of the size 10's. Little black kitties aren't so easy to spot in the middle of the night, especially when your vision is something like -700! Thankfully, there have been no squished tails yet, and with the painter putting the finishing touches on my "kitten room" this afternoon, I can now move them to a safer location.

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