Friday, March 20, 2009

The Tank is Full But the Gauge is Broken

I am convinced that these kittens have broken gas gauges! At the moment, three are consistently taking food from the muffin pan. Tiny watches the others closely and looks like she's ready to give it a try at any time, but so far she hasn't. Sam has decided after trying it yesterday that he'd rather stick with the bottle a bit longer. However, on the outside chance they change their minds, I've been putting down enough food for all five. No problem - Cindy, Sydney, and Scruffy are happy to eat their share and the other two's as well! All three had tummy aches today, thanks to over-stuffing themselves. I may have to start separating them for their feedings -- enough for three in one pan, and enough for two in the other!

Sam made up for staying clear of the camera yesterday by giving me a darling little pose this morning. I think that's his "May I have a bottle, please" look. (Yes, you may, as soon as I finish taking your picture!).

Tonight, I finally managed to catch all five of them together and looking at the camera. Unfortunately, it seems the only time they can sit still long enough for this is right after they've just eaten themselves into oblivion and are too full to move I guess! The three that are eating on their own are easy to spot in this picture - they would be the ones with wet faces, milk mustaches, and caked on food!

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