Thursday, August 27, 2009

The (Almost) No Photo Update

My laptop is in serious need of a complete wipe and re-do. That was never more obvious than this update that's been nearly three hours in the making thanks to Windows Explorer crashing every time I tried to copy my latest set of photos from the camera. Regardless, I was determined not to let yet another day go by without posting an update, so I finally manage to grab two of the pictures off my camera (probably not the best two), and here goes...

As much as Fluffy hates having to take medicine before her meals (I have the scratches to prove it), it has worked wonders for her. Her eyes are cleared up, and she obviously feels better. She's finally started to come out of her shell a little, and is becoming very playful, and yes, even loving. In fact, she's been out-doing Squeaky on the purr-ball meter the past couple of days.

She's also found a new favorite toy. After weeks of waiting for the kittens to take an interest in the little feather teaser I bought just for them, they've both finally started playing with it, especially Fluffy. She'll even play with it when it's just lying on the floor without human assistance to make it "go".

The kittens now have a new challenge to overcome. Their little game of "beat Mommy out the door" was probably a lot of fun for them, but after it resulted in a few instances of "let's get lost behind the washer and dryer", not to mention a near ugly encounter with my resident cat, I decided to put an end to this game for now, and rigged up a gate in front of the door. Now when I open the door, the kittens can't dart out into the hall. Of course, it's only a matter of time before they figure out how to get over my little gate, but in the meantime, it's nice not having to go track them down every time I open the door to feed them.

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