Sunday, September 21, 2008

Playing Together

As I mentioned in an earlier post, Benny and Dwayne have bonded like brothers in their time here. They play together constantly now. Unfortunately, their favorite activity together is still chasing each other down and ending up in a wrestling match. They're just "being kittens", but it's something that, out of context, might leave a bad impression on video. Benny's superior agility, strength, and quickness give him a huge advantage in the matchup. So, most of their wrestling matches end up with Benny looking like the mean big brother to poor little Dwayne who cries out in protest. Of course, immediately after freeing himself from Benny's headlock, the first thing Dwayne does is chase down "big brother" and pounce on him to start a new round. In other words, they behave a lot like human siblings--the younger one instigates the fights and the older one looks like a bully when he fights back.

And so, it was with great pleasure that I was able to finally capture Benny and Dwayne on video doing something together other than this endless feline game of "Uncle". The toy they're playing with here is called a Star Chaser Turbo Scratcher. It has a little ball that blinks flashy lights and rolls in a circle around a cardboard scratching area in the center. You can get it at PetSmart. Obviously, kittens love it!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

"In other words, they behave a lot like human siblings--the younger one instigates the fights and the older one looks like a bully when he fights back."

Hmmm....I'm not sure I agree with that comment :-P