Saturday, September 13, 2008


I recently signed up as a volunteer to foster kittens for a no-kill animal shelter here in the Dallas area. This was something I had been thinking about doing for a long time. I chose Operation Kindness because I like the way their foster program works. Since they have an actual shelter, it's easier to know how long the kittens will be in my home so I can plan around vacations, family get-togethers, etc. In fact, this was the main thing that pushed me over the edge from "thinking about it" to actually deciding to do it. And so, on September 4, I officially volunteered my services as a kitty foster mom.

Operation Kindness put me to work right away with two five-week old kittens that need a home until they're old enough to be adopted. Less than an hour after I brought them home, I was already thinking "gee, I bet it would be fun to write about this experience". A busy week has kept me from setting up this site until now, but not to worry. I've been jotting down a few thoughts just about every day, and have hopefully captured lots of cuteness on both video and still camera.

So, the first few entries will be catching up on the kittens' time here so far. After that, I plan to make regular updates whenever I have foster kittens in my home. As for the name, Pint-Size Gazette, it's in honor of the tiny tabby whose picture is at the top. He finally made it to 16 ounces--a full pint--a couple of days ago.

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